Tag Archives: breastfeeding

Unpopular Opinion: Breastfeeding Twins Kinda Sucks

Maybe it’s because I had the luxury of nursing my singleton first. Maybe it’s because I have a two-nado running around. Maybe I’m venting. Or maybe its just cold, hard, facts. Breastfeeding twins kinda sucks…

Nursing twins is not often this magical, wonderful thing you hear breastfeeding mamas talk about. This -ish is WORK! Yes, we have had some sweet moments & I am very grateful that I am actually ABLE to exclusively breastfeed two humans, but honestly, there have been days that I was ready to quit.

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The End Will Come

Five hundred and seventy six days.  & just like that, like a flip of a switch, it’s over.  We all know the end will come, but then it does. & the emotions crash over you like a wave.

Sadness, nostalgia, excitement, longing, pride, guilt.  & with each   emotion, comes a plethora of thoughts to follow.  Sadness – my baby isn’t quite my baby anymore… Nostalgia – but remember when he was?? those sweet newborn cuddles.  Excitement – oh my goodness, freedom?!! bed time can be successful without me! Longing – but wait, are you sure? maybe just one more cuddle?  Pride – wow, we did the damn thing.  & for 19 months, at that! Guilt – it’s over, the last time has come and gone, before you even realized it.  were you fully present last night? did you cherish the last quiet time you had together? Continue reading The End Will Come

The Truth Behind our Extended Breastfeeding Journey

I’ve always considered myself a pretty decorous breastfeeding mother.     While I may refuse to wear a cover, I am always considerate of my surroundings.  I am very much pro-breastfeeding but I am also not pushy type. I find pride in our breastfeeding journey and am very gratified in the fact that I have become a “helping hand” to many of my nursing mom friends through our experience.  BUT it as recently come to my attention that we have extended passed the “normal breastfeeding time allotment”… Continue reading The Truth Behind our Extended Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding: the good, the bad & the ugly

Well, I’ve officially been breastfeeding 16 weeks. It’s crazy how fast time flies by. I’ve had someone attached to my nip 2-4 hours out of every day for almost a third of a year.  SAY WHAT! While my experience is short in comparison to some others, I have still learned so much.   So, here it is. Some of the good, the bad & the ugly I’ve come to know to be breastfeeding.

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